A referral can be made by a parent, GP, medical specialist, teacher or other health professionals. Paediatric Physiotherapy can help your child! It is never too early to seek help, advice and if necessary treatment. Even minor ailments can become habitual and eventually difficult to change. Early intervention is vital and many postural problems can be effectively minimized or prevented by starting treatment early.

Parents and Caregivers
Physiotherapy is only one small piece of a greater puzzle of treatments and practices that facilitate your child's progress. Home programming is another piece, and the follow-through of therapeutic practices in the family environment plays an essential role in your child's progress. Ideas of exercises and activities will be demonstrated and if possible given in handouts to make it as convenient as possible.
Your Therapy Hour
Your therapist has 45 minutes set aside for your child. A separate meeting with parents can be arranged to discuss current issues relating to your child and to collaborate with you.
I appreciate feedback about how your child is responding to therapy, and welcome any questions or concerns you may have.
Please, arrive on time for therapy. If you are late there will not be time to make up for the lost time.
Please make every effort to inform me of a cancellation at least 24 hours before your appointment.
I appreciate your effort but do understand that this is not always possible in case of sudden illness of your child.
You will be charged for late cancellation.
Consistency of treatment is very necessary for progress. If your child is absent more than twice in one month,
for reasons other than illness or being out of town, you do risk losing your regular timeslot.
Fees and insurance
Patients may reclaim their fees subject to the terms and conditions of their personal medical cover. Some insurance companies require a referral from your GP or Paediatrician. It is imperative that you check with your Insurance Company before you attend for treatment as conditions and limits vary. The initial assessment will take 45 minutes; treatment frequency will vary for different children and conditions.